Thursday, January 6, 2011

Victorious Tighty Whities

Misic Teaching for Catholic Ministries

The heart of God


The heart of God

Author: Rubén Parra
MCM Coordinator Torreon

God loves a willing heart and point to Him . A true musician in every day looking for God their Creator, look to Him who is the source and fountain of his life. is God who enables the intimacy, the hearts of his musician it is He who in secret (Mt 6.6), in his infinite mercy distributes gifts to each of his players, so they render him praise and are trained in different areas (Eph. 1.6).


Obedience Provision




come boldly to the presence of God to be trained by the master ( Heb 12). When we approach Him with a humble and simple (Psalm 24), He looks at our inner and purity of our intention (Ps 94.11), he knows each of our intentions and that in secret purifies us talking, makes us reflect on each of our areas to act according to his will.

I think the musicians of God are called to this, to be in the presence of God. I would like to ask you a question: "now, how much are you looking for the presence of God in your life? What I can say is that now, from this time is reflected in your life, it is reflecting and, now, in your song, that search in your music or heavy void of God.

live in a world that seems to go very fast and we've no time for reflection. We have many jobs, many activities, but God has made it clear that if my heart is for God can we respond in obedience, arrangement, order, discipline, diligence.

Your heart is ready for God?, Does your heart is set aside for him, is it about him? ; cuestiónate at this time if your life really is God. In our Lord fully prepared like a heart, a heart not only belonging to you at times, while I find something else, or while one or another undertaking, or the retreat or concert or presentation . God loves a heart for LIFE, a true heart of a musician of God comes to LIFE.

For all this, I invite you to reflect on our growth in these airlines:

Responsibility: how responsible I am still in my relationship with God, how responsible have been if God has entrusted with a ministry, I departed, I have chosen I have chosen and invited me saying VEN, I want to use your hands. God needs our hands, what he wants is to use our hands, use our hands for His glory and His kingdom is manifest in the nations, in your community, your ministry in your life. Brother, is necessary that God's real musicians we strive to be responsible in all areas our lives that we may be witnesses and to testify that God is alive and reigns forever.

Obedience: This area is very difficult for many of us, because when we have to obey, really struggled. Remember that we are very attacked by the enemy in this area are very weak and tested, and that makes us obey an order from our superiors, or coordinators . At the musicians take us as rebels, they know not obey, we do what we have coming in wins, but in this time can not be so anymore, because " which is in Christ is a new creature and old things have passed " (2 Cor 5:17). Or, as also says the word " most of you it will not

" (Matthew 20:26).

need break our heart and ask God very much in prayer, humbly to obey the orders of whom we coordinate . Actually reflect who we are not obeying our God is. Do not obey him when he asks us to leave or do anything or sacrifice and we do not faint at the first. In truth, the heart that is obedient to God whom He accepts himself gave us better than (Phil 2.3). And always be obedient and give testimony to a true communion with God and our brothers.

Provision: This area does not just mean being willing to serve, but rather, be willing to seek God at all times (Sal Sal 34.2 and 62.9). When things go wrong or when things are looking great, and seek God and hear his voice, and that the arrangement will give us to serve at all times. We need to be willing to meet to pray, to practice, to read his word to be like Timothy, ready to witness (1 Tim 4, 11-14), sharing, teaching, preparing.

Today we need players willing to teach, share, prepare for those just starting out or do not know. I was touched to see that in many communities brothers who know how to play an instrument or have a good technique to pray or study the word, and not share it with the smallest, with those who are perhaps more willing than us but they need a guide. I was touched to see how ministries with musicians prepared not teach others, all for "lack of time."

I feel more could be lack of provision. Brother, if you're one of these musicians prepared remember that wonderful gift God gave you, and He wants to put into practice and made available to the community. Remember that your talents will be most favored when put at the disposal of the brothers, and the charisms or gifts are for the community and not for personal service.

Order: ordination is a difficult task, more so for those who have never been. Have order in our lives are compared as good order at meetings (1 Cor 14), do all in their time with dedication and decency, give time to each thing to be in good order, if it is time to pray, pray ; to rehearse, rehearse, to meditate, meditate. Having an agenda we definitely could use to manage our commitments . It is important to also be ordered in our times of prayer, have a set time to pray, to be with God, to visit the brothers, sisters. Having a command like the liturgy itself teaches us the same order as the Eucharist is, do not be desperate and want to do and undo everything the first time. May we be ordered in all areas of our lives, including our home and our work.

Discipline: need to have the courage to be disciplined in all these areas, we pray a lot for God to give us this gift in our lives. Caught up to God for this gift to not fail over because of indiscipline in our service in our lives.

And finally, diligence

: the dictionary is very clear on the definition of the word yes: Diligent. (Del lat. Dilĭgens,-entis). adj. Careful, accurate and active. 2. Soon, soon

Correct Gentle


These small features can be rounded and characterize us as God's good musicians. Being careful in our life with God, our spirituality, to be exact in the act, to be active and give dynamism to our ministry, be ready to serve, ready to help his brother.

Brothers musicians of God, being in his presence is to bring great benefits to our lives, just enough to come boldly into His presence and let us bathe in its infinite blessings that it has for its musicians


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